Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Meet the Seven Celestial Sisters of the Sky
Meet the Seven Celestial Sisters of the Sky  In the story Top 10 Cool Things in the Sky, you get a sneak peak at a little star cluster that is famous the world over. Its called The Pleiades and makes its best appearance in the night skies from late November to through March each year. In November, theyre up from dusk to dawn. This star cluster has been observed from nearly every part of our planet, and everyone from amateur astronomers with small telescopes to astronomers using Hubble Space Telescope has taken a shot of it. Many of the worlds cultures and religions focus on the Pleiades. These stars have had many names and show up on clothing, flats, pottery, and artwork. The name we know these stars by now comes from the ancient Greeks, who saw them as a group of woman who were companions to the goddess Artemis. The seven brightest stars of the Pleiades are named after these women:  Maia, Electra, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope, and Merope. There is a fascinating Wikipedia look at the Pleiades in different cultures here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleiades_in_folklore_and_literature. So, What are the Pleiades to Astronomers? They make up an open star cluster that lies about 400 light-years away, in the direction of the constellation Taurus, the Bull. Its six brightest stars are relatively easy to see with the naked eye, and folks with very sharp vision and a dark sky sight can see at least 7 stars here. In reality, the Pleiades has more than a thousand stars that formed in the last 150 million years. That makes them relatively young (compared to the Sun, which is about 4.5 billion years old). Interestingly enough, this cluster also contains many brown dwarfs: objects too hot to be planets but too cold to be stars. As theyre not very bright in optical light, astronomers turn to infrared-sensitive instruments to study them. What they learn helps them determine the ages of their brighter cluster neighbors and understand how star formation uses up the available material in a cloud. The stars in this cluster are hot and blue, and astronomers classify them as B-type stars. Currently the core of the cluster takes up an area of space about 8 light-years across. The stars are not gravitationally bound to each other, and so in about 250 million years they will begin to wander away from each other. Each star will travel on its own through the galaxy. Their stellar birthplace probably looked largely like the Orion Nebula, where hot young stars are forming in a region of space about 1,500 light-years away from us. Eventually these stars will go their separate ways as the cluster moves through the Milky Way. Theyll become whats known as a moving association or a moving cluster. The Pleiades appear to be passing through a cloud of gas and dust that astronomers once thought was part of their birth cloud. It turns out this nebula (sometimes called the Maia Nebula) is unrelated to the stars. It does make a pretty sight, though. You can spot it in the nighttime sky pretty easy, and through binoculars or a small telescope, they look spectacular!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Nomination Process for Supreme Court Justices
Nomination Process for Supreme Court Justices The nomination process for Supreme Court justices begins with the departure of a sitting member of the high court, whether by retirement or death. It is then up to the president of the United States to nominate a replacement to the court, and the U.S. Senate to vet and confirm his choice. The nomination process for Supreme Court justices is among the most important obligations on presidents and members of the Senate, in part because members of the court are appointed for life. They dont get second chances to make the right choice. The U.S. Constitution gives the president and the Senate this vital role. Article II, Section 2, clause 2 states that the President â€Å"shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court.†Not all Presidents have the opportunity to name someone to the court. There are nine Justices, including the chief justice, and one is replaced only when he or she retires or dies. Forty-two presidents have made nominations to the Supreme Court. The president with the most nominations was George Washington, who had 13, with 10 of those being confirmed. The President’s Selection As the president considers who to nominate, investigations of possible nominees begin. The investigations include a probe into a person’s private background by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as an examination of the person’s public record and writings. The list of possible nominees is narrowed, with the goal being to ensure that a nominee has nothing in his or her background that would prove embarrassing and to guarantee that the president selects someone likely to be confirmed. The president and his staff also study which nominees agree with the president’s own political views and which ones would make the president’s supporters happy. Often a president confers with Senate leaders and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee before selecting a nominee. This way the president receives a heads-up on any potential problems a nominee may face during confirmation. The names of possible nominees may be leaked to the press to gauge the support and opposition to different possible nominees. At some point, the president announces the selection, often with great fanfare and the nominee present. The nomination then is sent to the Senate. The Senate Judiciary Committee Since the end of the Civil War almost every Supreme Court nomination received by the Senate has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee does its own investigation. A nominee is asked to fill out a questionnaire that includes questions about his or her background and to fill out financial disclosure documents. The nominee also will make courtesy calls to various senators, including party leaders and members of the Judiciary Committee. At the same time, the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary begins evaluating the nominee based on his or her professional qualifications. Ultimately, the committee votes on whether a nominee is â€Å"well-qualified,†â€Å"qualified,†or â€Å"not qualified.†The Judiciary Committee then holds hearings during which the nominee and supporters and opponents testify. Since 1946 almost all hearings have been public, with most lasting more than four days. The president’s administration often trains a nominee before these hearings to ensure that the nominee does not embarrass himself or herself. Judiciary Committee members may ask nominees about their political views and backgrounds. Since these hearings receive a great deal of publicity, senators may attempt to score their own political points during the hearings Following the hearings, the Judiciary Committee meets and votes on a recommendation to the Senate. The nominee may receive a favorable recommendation, a negative recommendation or the nomination may be reported to the entire Senate with no recommendation. The Senate The Senate majority party controls the Senate agenda, so it is up to the majority leader to determine when a nomination is brought to the floor. There is no time limit on debate, so if a senator wants to conduct a filibuster to hold up a nomination indefinitely, he or she may do so. At some point, the minority leader and majority leader may reach a time agreement on how long a debate will last. If not, the nominee’s supporters in the Senate may attempt to end debate on the nomination. That vote requires 60 Senators to agree to end debate. Often there is no filibuster of a Supreme Court nomination. In those cases, a debate is held on the nomination and then a vote is taken by the Senate. A majority of voting senators must approve the presidents choice for the nominee to be confirmed. Once confirmed, a nominee is sworn into the position of justice of the Supreme Court. A justice actually takes two oaths: the constitutional oath that is taken by members of Congress and other federal officials, and a judicial oath. Key Takeaways: How a U.S. Supreme Court Justice is Nominated Step 1: A sitting justice retires or dies, leaving a vacancy on the bench.Step 2: The president nominates a candidate to replace the departing justice.Step 3: The nominee is vetted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.Step 4: The Senate Judiciary Committee conducts its own investigation and hearings with the nominee. It will then take a vote on whether to send the nomination to the full Senate for confirmation. If the committee does not approve of the nominee, the candidate is dropped from consideration.Step 5: If the Senate Judiciary Committee approves, the full Senate votes on the nomination. If a majority of the 100-member Senate approves, the nominee ascends to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
LifeStyle Lift Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
LifeStyle Lift Company - Essay Example LifeStyle Lift Company operates in an industry characterized powerful buyers. The company’s target market is mainly women aged between 50 and 70 years. LifeStyle Lift’s buyers are highly responsive to product price, credibility, quality as well as accessibility. High insurance cost in the industry makes it difficult for buyers to switch from one firm to another. In order to minimize the threat of high bargaining power of buyers, the company can offer excellent customer service and ensure high transparency in its operations. LifeStyle Lift Company needs to establish competitive advantage over its rivals in order to do business successfully. It needs operation precision machinery and operation tools that can ensure efficient and effective service delivery to customers. There are few medical companies supplying LifeStyle Lift with the resources it needs to serve its target market effectively. Few suppliers in the industry mean high supplier bargaining power and hence high product prices. Currently, the company is more focused on the prices of its products rather than quality. However, it is difficult for companies in the industry to change suppliers because the business is more specialized. Some of the barriers to entry in LifeStyle Lift’s market segment include insurance and legal requirements, which are both financial and regulatory. However, the barriers to market entry are not meant to discourage foreign firms from invading the local markets and hamper global growth of the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Written assignment museum visit Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Written museum visit - Assignment Example The artist has used acrylic on canvas. The painting depicts a deserted place that has survived the cruel winters, and the changing colors of skies and melting ice indicate the arrival of spring that shows reclamation. A vivid imagery has been used by Begay, with intense color scheme. Begay a graduate from the Institute of American Indian Art (IAIA) started his career as a professional painter in 1983. Unlike, most of the graduates from IAIA, his work denounces the Pop style, which is still dominant until today. Navajo history, socio-politics and autobiography are the major subjects that Begay emphasize on; however; his fondness for nature and people must not be underrated. Some critics refer his style to be similar to Social Realism. While comparing Begay’s work with pop artists, there are several dissimilarities within the two art forms. Pop culture began in the middle of twentieth century and flourished rapidly all over the globe. Begay’s contemporary Navajo artists follow pop art quiet strictly. While Begay is inclined towards historical and metaphysical themes, pop art embraces the modern culture. It does not put any questions on fate of material values rather it appreciates, what world has become. Pop artists use flat imagery like the ones in comic or newspapers. The color scheme usually comprises of bright colors. On the other hand looking at the portfolio of Shonto Begay, one can find clear reaction against the popular culture. Meanwhile, some of the art critics in the recent years have claimed that painting is dead, considering the expansion of information technology in relation with multimedia. Begay still holds to the traditional acrylic paints and brush to make his paintings. Instead of following the modern culture, Begay has his own way of demonstrating his thoughts. His work his high on emotional scale, and one can sense his belongingness to his American Indian origin. Therefore his love for nature is directly associated
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Empire State Building Essay Example for Free
Empire State Building Essay The Empire State building is one of the landmarks of New York. The overall design is very sleek and simple yet it managed to stand out from the other skyscrapers in the city. Its â€Å"low key Art deco style†combined with the â€Å"steel frame and steel claddings†have distinctly set it apart from the various urban elements of the city (Matthews). The Palace of Versailles in France is a clear example of Baroque architecture. Its opulent interior and grandiose design epitomized the essence of Baroque which is highly ornate and complicated. From the landscape to the huge massive structures, Versailles has exquisitely exuded splendor and luxury (Walton 161-173). The Petronas Towers in Malaysia is considered as one of the tallest buildings in the world. The design of the buildings was intended to showcase the cultural influences of the Malaysians. It used â€Å"Islamic arabesques and repetitive geometries characteristic†which reflected Islam architecture which is the dominant religion in the country (Skyscraper. org). Works Cited Matthews, Kevin. â€Å"Empire State Building. †2008. Greatbuildings. com. 5 March 2009 http://www. greatbuildings. com/buildings/Empire_State_Building. html â€Å"The Petronas Towers. †n. d. Skyscraper. org. 5 March 2009 http://www. skyscraper. org/TALLEST_TOWERS/t_petronas. htm Walton, Guy. Louis the X1V Versailles. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1986.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
New Teaching Methods for Nontraditional Students Essay example -- Non-
Missing Figures New Teaching Methods for an Untraditional Audience It is becoming more and more common to see older students, or nontraditional students (ages 24 and above), entering college campuses. "Nontraditional" students now make up 36% of the college population (Justice and Dornan, 1). Although some question older students ability to perform in a college setting, research has proven that nontraditional students actually perform better than the traditional students (18-22 year olds). The significant differences between the traditional and nontraditional student has prompted the question whether institutions need to alter their teaching methods to fit the needs of the nontraditional student. As the population of 23+ years old continues to grow in colleges and universities, many feel that the current methods are not intellectually challenging enough for these older students. Much of the data collected in research concludes that the institutions must respond to these differences in motivation and learning. Which means the faculty might soon be challenged to develop more comprehension-based approaches, which will use strategies to explain and apply the course material (Justice and Dornan, 7). This paper will review the unique characteristics nontraditional students possess, compared with traditional students. By pointing out factors such as motivation, coping skills, and learning styles, this paper will illustrate the differences nontraditional students possess for achieving their college education, and why it is important for higher education to alter current teaching methods. These characteristics will illustrate why it is important for universities to change current teaching methods to create an adequate learning ... ... Morris, Emily A., Peggy R. Brooks, and James L. May. â€Å"The Relationship Between Achievement Goal Orientation and Coping Style: Traditional vs. Nontraditional College Students.†Mar. 2003. LookSmart’s FindArticles. 23 Mar. 2004. . Munday, Leo A. â€Å"College Access for Nontraditional Students.†The Journal of Higher Education. Nov.-Dec. 1976, vol. 47. JSTOR. 23 Mar. 2004. . Richardson, John T. E., and Estelle King. â€Å"Adult Students in Higher Education: Burden or Boom?†The Journal of Higher Education. Jan.-Feb. 1998, vol. 69. JSTOR. 23 Mar. 2004. Wolfgang, Mary E., and William D. Dowling. â€Å"Differences in Motivation of Adult and Younger Undergraduates.†The Journal of higher Education. Nov.-Dec. 1981, vol. 52. JSTOR. 23 Mar. 2004. . New Teaching Methods for Nontraditional Students Essay example -- Non- Missing Figures New Teaching Methods for an Untraditional Audience It is becoming more and more common to see older students, or nontraditional students (ages 24 and above), entering college campuses. "Nontraditional" students now make up 36% of the college population (Justice and Dornan, 1). Although some question older students ability to perform in a college setting, research has proven that nontraditional students actually perform better than the traditional students (18-22 year olds). The significant differences between the traditional and nontraditional student has prompted the question whether institutions need to alter their teaching methods to fit the needs of the nontraditional student. As the population of 23+ years old continues to grow in colleges and universities, many feel that the current methods are not intellectually challenging enough for these older students. Much of the data collected in research concludes that the institutions must respond to these differences in motivation and learning. Which means the faculty might soon be challenged to develop more comprehension-based approaches, which will use strategies to explain and apply the course material (Justice and Dornan, 7). This paper will review the unique characteristics nontraditional students possess, compared with traditional students. By pointing out factors such as motivation, coping skills, and learning styles, this paper will illustrate the differences nontraditional students possess for achieving their college education, and why it is important for higher education to alter current teaching methods. These characteristics will illustrate why it is important for universities to change current teaching methods to create an adequate learning ... ... Morris, Emily A., Peggy R. Brooks, and James L. May. â€Å"The Relationship Between Achievement Goal Orientation and Coping Style: Traditional vs. Nontraditional College Students.†Mar. 2003. LookSmart’s FindArticles. 23 Mar. 2004. . Munday, Leo A. â€Å"College Access for Nontraditional Students.†The Journal of Higher Education. Nov.-Dec. 1976, vol. 47. JSTOR. 23 Mar. 2004. . Richardson, John T. E., and Estelle King. â€Å"Adult Students in Higher Education: Burden or Boom?†The Journal of Higher Education. Jan.-Feb. 1998, vol. 69. JSTOR. 23 Mar. 2004. Wolfgang, Mary E., and William D. Dowling. â€Å"Differences in Motivation of Adult and Younger Undergraduates.†The Journal of higher Education. Nov.-Dec. 1981, vol. 52. JSTOR. 23 Mar. 2004. .
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Effects of Music on Laboring Moms
Coping with labor pain when you are a first time mom is usually an experience filled with great anxiety. The first stage of labor is called the latent phase, in which she may be excited and anxious for labor to be well established [ (Marcia L. London, 2011) ]. The laboring mom may be unable to cope with contractions because of fear, anxiety, or lack of information [ (Marcia L. London, 2011) ].The nurse’s response should be to be supportive and provide encouragement and to establish a trusting relationship [ (Marcia L. London, 2011) ]. The challenge for the labor nurse is to reduce the pain and anxiety and to help make the labor and delivery a positive experience. The application of music therapy may be an appropriate tool for reducing anxiety and pain [ (Marcia L. London, 2011) ]. Music therapy has become popular in medicine in the last two decades.Studies show that the impulses from the auditory stimulus override the pain signals carried by the smaller nerve fibers, and music perceived by the right brain may stimulate the pituitary gland to release endorphins for decreasing pain [ (Yu-Hsiang Liu, 2010) ]. Music may also alter pain perception by improving mood, increasing relaxation, and reducing anxiety. Music also increases control and distraction to pain perception. The purpose of the study I read was to undertake an evaluation of music therapy on labor pain and anxiety in Taiwanese primiparas.It was hypothesized that primipara women receiving music therapy would perceive less pain and anxiety and have higher fingertip temperatures, an indication of less pain, during labor than those participants who had not received music therapy but received standard routine care [ (Yu-Hsiang Liu, 2010) ]. This controlled study provided evidence that music therapy for women during the latent phase of labor provided psychological and physiological benefits from pain [ (Yu-Hsiang Liu, 2010) ].The participants in the study were primipara women giving birth with the fol lowing criteria; they had a normal pregnancy, their pregnancy had gone to term, they planned to undergo a vaginal delivery, they had a single, normal fetus to deliver, they did not intend to use pharmacological analgesics during labor, and they consented to the participate in the study [ (Yu-Hsiang Liu, 2010) ]. In this study pain and anxiety were the main outcome measurements. Ultimately 60 participants were included in the analysis, 30 women were entered in the experimental group and 30 women were entered into the control group.Participants were instructed to choose types of relaxing, anxiety-reducing music. In addition to receiving standard nursing care, the experimental participants listened to music for at least 30 minutes during the latent phase and active phase of labor. Measures for pain and anxiety scales were given before and after 30 minutes of music listening during the latent and active phases of labor. Participants in the control group were not aware that they had the opportunity to listen to music, but they received the standard routine care after admission.Both groups completed the same pretest and posttest measures at the same phases of labor as the music group. Twenty-four hours after childbirth, women in the experimental group were asked to complete an open-ended questionnaire to indicate their perceptions of the effectiveness of music therapy on pain and anxiety and a five-point scale to evaluate the helpfulness of music. All the outcome measures for latent and active phases were analyzed separately because of the different level of pain.The results indicated that women in the music-listening group had lower pain and anxiety and higher fingertip temperatures than their peers in the control group during the latent phase, but the outcome measures were not significant during the active phase. Music seems to have multiple functions in pain reduction, including focusing, distracting, and stimulating pleasure responses. The study provides evidenc e that preselected music that is slow, relaxing and calming in nature, with little variation in tempo or volume is helpful for laboring women in the early latent phase [ (Yu-Hsiang Liu, 2010) ].In the active phase of labor the slow music was not effective. This is when contractions are more intense and more painful and it is possible that the auditory cue did not synchronize with the women’s rhythmic short, rapid breathing [ (Yu-Hsiang Liu, 2010) ]. It could be that music with a more rapid tempo would be more helpful. Pain and anxiety can influence heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, peripheral blood flow and fingertip temperature (FT). Elevation of FT is a significant indicator of physical relaxation through the sympathetic response [ (Yu-Hsiang Liu, 2010) ].This study shows that music can promote relaxation and decrease muscle tension which can increase peripheral blood flow as well as skin temperature as evidenced by the increased FT [ (Yu-Hsiang Liu, 2010) ]. In conclusion, this controlled study provides evidence that music therapy for women during the latent phase of labor provides quantifiable psychological benefits. The findings of this study may provide an evidence-based music therapy protocol for women in labor.Clinical health care professionals such as nurses could consider providing music as part of their routine when working with women who face the first-time childbirth process. Nurses could apply music therapy in reducing the pain and anxiety for women who are at the early phase of labor. Music does not have harmful side-effects and is easy to administer, so if it is yet another way to ease the pain and anxiety of a laboring patient and could help make the childbirth experience a positive one, the nurse should consider offering the therapy to her patients.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Radio Music Essay
Music, I can say, has played an important role to the lives of every human. It has been a source of inspiration and leisure on past times. When you celebrate, music never gets lost and when you need to be calmed, music is also relaxing. As the years pass, along with it are the changes in trend. Characteristics of radio music by then are different of the radio music we have today. Several genres of music flourished from 1950s to 1960s. The birth of Rock and Roll is also dated back significantly in the 1950s. Right now, there is a question asked whether or not people would still listen to the radio despite of the latest gadgets for music are on hand. Listening to the radios are threatened by the latest technology including iPods and mp3 players. Aside from the radio, music is also presented by music channels in the television where music videos are accompanying the song. Radio is the major source of entertainment for the Americans having almost every household own at least one radio. 93% of the Americans owned a radio during that time. It was in the year 1954 that a rock and roll song landed the hit charts. Rock and Roll was a product of several genres including indigenous American jazz, rhythm and blues, swing, and the gospel style. Its roots trace back to the black culture of that moment (Faculty). Another music that was played on the radios is called â€Å"covers†(Faculty). Covering Family Name 2 takes place when a person or a group records again a song that was already recorded by another individual or group. This term’s roots dates back in the year 1966 (Online Etymology Dictionary). Songs back then that were originally sung by black artists were being asked to be covered by white artists. There were a lot of advantages that a â€Å"cover†has. First, they can outsell the original version due to having greater resources and second, the quality of the sound is much better than that of the original version. Rock and Roll had more specific genres which include Rock-a-Billy, Doo Wop, and the â€Å"West Coast†sound. â€Å"Rockabilly†was a mixture of rhythm and blues and country music. The â€Å"Doo Wop sound†traces its origins in the urban North. It has been fondly called and described as 1950s’ â€Å"street corner†music. Under Doo Wop are the characteristics of using â€Å"nonsense syllables†as background rhythm, having emphasis on its harmony, and a different range of voices or parts. Came 1960s and a new kind of rock and roll emerged called â€Å"California Sound. †California is the place where it first started. Rock and roll’s decline happened in the later part of 1950s since companies started to promote â€Å"teen idols. †The themes of their songs are mostly about love (Faculty). Some of the famous and promising artists during this time are the following: Dean Martin, Patti Page, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Eddie Cochran, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley- Don’t Be Cruel, Jailhouse Rock and many others, Arthur â€Å"Big Boy†Crudup, â€Å"Big Mama†Thornton, Hank Williams, Sr. , Buddy Holly and the Crickets, Every Brothers- Bye Bye Love, Roy Orbison, Ricky Nelson, The Marcels- Blue Moon, The Diamonds, Little Eva- Locomotion, The Shirelles- Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? , Neil Sedaka- Breaking Up is Hard to Do, and Paul Anka with his song Diana (Faculty). Family Name 3 At the present, since whatever the trend in America is being adopted by other countries, there are 17 formats that are now playing and being listened to. Ranking from the first, the following are Country, News/ talk/ information, Adult Contemporary, Pop Contemporary Hit Radio, Classic Rock, Rhythmic Contemporary Hit Radio, Urban Contemporary, Urban Adult Contemporary, Oldies, Hot Adult Contemporary, Mexican Regional, Contemporary Christian, All Sports, Alternative, Classic Hits, Classical, and Talk/ Personality (Radio Today). From Rock and Roll, it can be seen from the above information that the taste of music listeners have shifted to many other kinds. In my own observation, today’s folks are getting more acquainted with music that have lively danceable beats but not necessarily with high notes. A lot of the radio stations would play Pop, R&B and Hiphop. The young is the targeted market of these radio stations. Leading artists of today include Beyonce Knowles, Neyo, Chris Brown, Rihanna, Akon, Taylor Swift and many others who have hit the charts just like those mentioned artists in the year 1950s and 1960s. Works Cited â€Å"Cover. †Online Etymology Dictionary. 5 May 2009. < http://www. etymonline. com/index. php? l=c&p=28/> â€Å"The Rise of Rock ‘n Roll. †Faculty. 5 May 2009. < http://faculty. smu. edu/dsimon/Change-Music. html/> â€Å"Radio Today. †Arbitron. 5 May 2009. < http://www. arbitron. com/downloads/radiotoday07. pdf/>
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Becton Dickinson Case Essays
Becton Dickinson Case Essays Becton Dickinson Case Essay Becton Dickinson Case Essay Main Problem Certainly the main problem of Becton Dickinson is that going into a transnational business evolves many upsets among the managerial force, from all different levels of the organization and also all around the globe. Another very big issue is like since most of the revenues were earned in the local U. S. market, this local market has a priority than its other business in Europe, Asia and Latin America; local managers in foreign nations where frustrated because they did not get enough resources to satisfy its local market, and at the same time the headquarters wanted more profits and get more market share to their other locations. Companys situation Becton Dickinson Company a medical manufacturing company, with operations worldwide, and revenues of over $2 billion dollars, almost half of it from outside the U. S. B. D. is a supplier of two main product lines of clinical products, divided in medical and diagnostic. The U. S. domestic production was starting to give way to international sales, making necessary a European division, which in the 1980s the company, was divided by local business divisions centralized with decisions made in the U. S. focusing production mainly in the U. S. arket needs, given the remains to other divisions like Europe and Asia. Recommendation An excellent recommendation is that the company should take more in consideration of create a new environment of cooperation among colleges from all over the world, the firm should mold their employees conduct to improve creativity, in that way erase the feeling of ignored that prevail among the workers outside the U. S. It is also important to h ave more strictly supervision of the H. R. department, it needs to pay more attention to scouting and job evaluation in management. Remake the systems are a big deal to face the product needs, it would be wise to adapt the products to the local market necessities, not the other way around. Also to make agreements with competence and among nations to try the standardization of medical products, but first the company should display the willingness to adapt to different countries regulations, if it is already hard to enter to a market with a new product, it would be harder if this product does not adapt to the local requirements. If the outside U. S. sales are now almost the half of the revenues; it is indispensable to give some power to the Europe, Asia and Latin America divisions, only they can understand what their countries needs are, they need flexibility to develop some decision making, in that sense they will innovate in their own markets.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How the Olympic Torch Works
How the Olympic Torch Works Quite a lot of development and technology goes into the flame for the Olympic Torch. Heres a look at how the Olympic Torch works and the fuel used to produce the flame. Origin of the Olympic Torch The Olympic Torch represents Prometheus theft of fire from Zeus. In the original Greek Olympic Games, a fire - the Olympic Flame - was kept burning during the duration of the games. The tradition of the Olympic Flame made its way into the international games in the 1928 summer Olympic Games in Amsterdam. There was no torch relay in the original games, taking the flame from its source to wherever the games were being held. The Olympic Torch is a relatively new invention, introduced by Carl Diem at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. Design of the Olympic Torch While the original Olympic Torch was simply an Olympic Flame that was kept burning throughout the original Greek Olympic Games, the modern torch is a sophisticated device that is used in a relay. The design of the torch changes and is customized for every set of Olympic Games. Recent torches use a double burner, with an outer bright flame and a small inner blue flame. The inner flame is protected such that if the torch is blown out by wind or rain, the small flame acts as a sort of pilot light, re-igniting the torch. A typical torch carries fuel sufficient to burn for about 15 minutes. Recent games have utilized a burning mixture of butane and polypropylene or propane. Fun Olympic Torch Facts Some early torches were fueled by olive oil.The runners in the 1956 torch relay carried a flaming block of hexamine and naphthalene, but a more dazzling display was desired for the entry into the Melbourne Olympic Stadium. The runner, Ron Clarke, carried a torch burning a mixture of magnesium and aluminum flakes (think thermite reaction or a giant sparkler). The torch dripped clumps of flaming metal onto the track and burned its carrier.The 2000 Olympic Games featured an underwater flare for a torch so that a diver could bear the flame across the Great Barrier Reef to the Sydney Games in Australia.Multiple torches are made for each set of Olympic Games. There were 22 torches for the 1952 games in Helsinki, 6,200 for the 1980 games in Moscow and 8,000 for the 2012 London Games. What Happens When the Torch Goes Out? Modern Olympic Torches are less likely to go out than their predecessors. The type of torch used for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games has been tested and found to function at temperatures from -5 °C to 40 °C, in rain and snow, at 95% humidity, and with wind gusts of up to 50 mph. The torch will remain lit when dropped from a height of at least three meters (the test height). Even so, the flame can go out! When this happens, the inner flame acts as a pilot light to reignite the fuel of the flame. Unless the torch is very wet, the flame should reignite easily.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Operation management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Operation management - Essay Example There has been increasing competition in the market place and organisations are looking for different methods to improve and enhance the overall productivity and performance.The output or final results are dependent on the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations. In this paper, an attempt has been made to understand the business operations and processes with the help of a case study. By exploring and analysing the business operations of the company presented in the case study it will become easy to understand the practical implications of the operations management tools and techniques and at the same time it will be easy to comprehend the different issues and challenges which are being faced by the organisations in the quest of improving the overall operations and activities of the organisation. Operations Management is the field of business which deals with managing the resources of the business that will be used to produce the output of the business (Schemenner, 1984). This field deals with the creation of a transformation system which takes the business inputs and uses the business process to produce the business output (Schonberger and Knod, 1991). This field also produces the controlling protocols for the transformation process (Gaither, 1984). These protocols consist of: layout strategy, operations strategy, and design strategy, which are augmented by a planning stage. Examples of most common operations include: retail operations, banking operations, manufacturing operations and etc (Flint, Larsson, Gammelgaard, and Mentzer, 2005). Operations management also help the company in the planning of the following aspects of the business (Chase and Aquilano, 1977): Capacity Inventory Supply Chain Quality Failure Prevention and Recovery By helping the company answer questions related to these domains, operations management enable the company to become more productive and effective in its operations and resource utilisation. Thereby, enhancing the companyâ €™s chances of survival in its marketplace and later go on to strengthen it place in its market (Fugate Mentzer, and Stank, 2010). One important element in this regard is of the planning and control. It is important for the organisations to carefully plan and control all operations and materials input in order to make sure that the final output or result is according to the demand and requirements in the market (Fitzsimmons, and Fitzsimmons, 2007). ANALYSING THE OPERATIONS OF A FROZEN VEGETABLE FACTORY: Business Analysis: Overview of the Company and Market: The company is operating in the frozen vegetable industry; it is backed by a strong specialist food group. As the group philosophy suggests that it focuses on speciality food segments, the factory’s operations are consistent with this philosophy. The factory produces a range of frozen vegetables like: carrots, cauliflowers, beans, peas, petit poi’s, broccoli, and sprouts. Most of the factory’s output cons ists of peas, which undergoes a very tedious process before a final version for the customers is available. The peas market is highly competitive and is dominated by five players. One of the players in this market is privately owned and is most of the time involved in changing the dynamics of the competition. It does this by reducing its profit margins, and thereby price, which leads to an increase in the number of customers going to this supplier of peas. However, major variables which influence the demand for peas include the quality and size of the harvest. The price of a
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