Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How Stereotypes Affect Teens - 699 Words
Stereotypes can be a problem in our society, but they are especially a problem for teenagers. At my school stereotypes impact a wide range of students. My class read â€Å"How a Self Fulfilling Stereotype Can Drag Down Performance,†by Writer and novelist, Shankar Vedantam. In his article he argues that telling people about their race before an exam will hurt their performance. He supports his claim by providing statistics on the average test scores of blacks compared to whites. He then explains that â€Å"stereotype threats†can be done subconsciously, but they still bring down test scores. Vedantam’s purpose is to make people aware that a simple comment about someone’s race can negatively impact their performance. Because we read Vedantam’s article, we decided to do some research about stereotypes in our school. The process we used to gather our data started when our teacher gave us sheet of paper with few questions about stereotypes. Some of these questions were: How would your interviewee describe themselves?(Gender, characteristics, ethnicity) When and where do they most often encounter stereotypes? How do they deal with stereotypes? Then she paired us with a partner and had us interview them. Then we interviewed another peer outside of class. Next we anonymously entered the results of the data we collected into a Google form. After that we sorted the table by gender, and ethnicity to find out how certain groups of people reacted to stereotypes. Our class has beenShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Stereotyping In Schools1122 Words  | 5 Pages religion, political view, or how you act. Stereotyping is labeling someone because of who they are or what they do. Stereotyping places negative views on groups and people. I am going to give you some information about how stereotyping effects high schools in today’s society. In schools’ you have â€Å"the loners,†â€Å"the jocks,†â€Å"the nerds,†â€Å"the mean girls,†â€Å"the losers,†just to name a few. Stereotyping can affect how a person sees himself or herself, and it can affect a student’s progress or self-confidenceRead MoreThe Negative Portrayal of Women in Hip Hop and Rap Music Essay1239 Words  | 5 Pagesmusical artists have changed the face of hip-hop and rap and worldwide, people – mostly teensâ€â€have been striving to emulate certain artists and their lyrics, which has created negative stereotypes for hip-hop music and also for those who choose to listen to it. With vulgar lyrics referencing drugs, alcohol, sex, and aggression, it’s no wonder these stereotypes exist. However, is music really the direct cause of how teens act, or could their behavior possibly be the result of music that taps into the emotionalRead MoreIs Stem Education A Stereotype Threat?963 Words  | 4 Pages Today our society is still viewed as gender stereotype. As women we are still fighting for equality. The problem is damaging our young girls that one day will be our future. They are getting taught at a very young age of what they are meant to do and what aren’t meant to do. This issue is affecting the majority of the Latin community and therefore we have little to no girls wanting to join any STEM programs after high school. STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specificRead MoreThe Effects Of Religious Stereotyping And Prejudice On Teens1084 Words  |à ‚ 5 PagesThe Effects of Religious Stereotyping and Prejudice on Teens All Muslims are terrorists, Jews are greedy bankers, and America is a Christian country. These are just a few of the many stereotypes that cause negative perceptions toward minority religious groups. Every day, religious groups across America experience some form of discrimination because of these stereotypes about their beliefs. 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