Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Use Of Torture In Guantanamo Bay Philosophy Essay
The Use Of Torture In Guantanamo Bay Philosophy Essay Since the opening and the use of the Guantanamo Bay as a military prison that was allowing the use of torture to get information from prisoners there has been a rise in public debate over whether there the use of torture on prisoners is right (Greenberg, 3). This paper looks into these public debates through the eyes of Plato, Aristotle and Karl Marx some of the well renowned thinkers that have come to pass. To some the use of torture in Guantanamo bay is morally and incorrect while to some it is an end to a means, which is necessary so as to ensure that America is safe from terrorism and danger. From Plato, Aristotle and Marx the former view is wrong and uncalled for. The former view can be likened to the theory of ethical relativism which both Plato and Aristotle were both against. It can also be likened to the ulitarism principle, which Marx was against. For the ethical relativism theory, it claimed that moral judgment and acts vary from one society or culture to another. It also proposes that moral judgment varies depending on the situation that an individual or group of individuals are placed in (Peters, 138). The theory proposes that in one culture an action can be viewed to be morally correct while in another the action can be viewed as inappropriate. If applied in the current situation the theory upholds the use of torture if the American society does not view it as wrong then it is right for the torture in Guantanamo bay to continue. The theory proposes that no one set of moral values in any society is better than the other. However, Plato and his student Aristotle were not for this view (Huard, 20). Plato and Aristotle were for the ethical objectivism theory, which states that. In Platos dialog, titled The Republic the conflict between the two theories becomes apparent. In the dialog Socrates is seen trying to engage Thrasymac hus about his thoughts on what justice is. Thrasymachus a large proponent for the relativism theory argues that justice is in the interest of the strong and there is nothing more to it. He further explains how he has travelled to so many countries around the world and all the laws have been tailored so as to suit the strong while oppressing the weak (Plato) In Platos and Aristotles view however this is not correct. In the present situation, Plato and Aristotle would be view the use of torture in Guantanamo bay as ethically wrong and lacking in moral judgment. In Platos argument, the use of torture and the detention of criminals is not justice. The strong that Thrasymachus is referring to can be viewed to be the United States of America and the weak are those who have been detained in the camp. Plato and Aristotle did not agree with the view that justice and law were tailored to the benefit of those in power while disregarding the human nature of those being oppressed. Plato in the dialog believes that justice is universal, that it was a constant, and that it applied to everyone. According to Plato and Aristotle, all men were created equal. This is stated in the declaration of independence and is gifted with a number of unchallengeable rights, which are the right to life, the right to liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. This is contra ry to what is going on in Guantanamo bay. The prisoners right to liberty and their pursuit of happiness have been curtailed by their detention as well as the use of torture on them (Malcolm, 89). The view of Karl Marx is also against the use of torture and the detention of prisoners without trial. Marx is known for his teachings in his work that human were different from animals and that they could not behave in the way animals do. In his argument, he argues that the main difference between man and animals is the human conscience, religion and a host of other factors that are present in everyday life. In his argument, he says that humans distinguish themselves from animals the moment they start producing for their own survival and organizing themselves in social groups (Wood, 30). Therefore, his argument can be interpreted to mean that he does not expect human beings to behave and act like animals. The torturing and detention of military prisoners in Guantanamo Bay can be interpreted into animalistic behavior which according to Karl Marx is not human. Karl Marx further argues that human beings have the will and conscience to do what is right unlike animals, which only act on their basic instinct of survival. The torturing of inmates in the Guantanamo bay prison can be viewed as Americas basic instinct to try and survive just like the animals in the jungle (Rejali, 98). This is because every human being has his or her basic human rights, which are not being upheld in the prison. The life of the prisoners in the prison can be compared to that of animals, which Karl Marx is against. Marx is also known for his fight against the unitarianism theory, which is a theory that looks into the moral merit of a deed and determines the merit of the deed depending solely on the usefulness of the deed in maximizing what an individual is to gain out of that deed. The theory proposes that the moral worth of any action that a human being takes can be judged by the outcome of the deed. This is in line with the end justifies the means (Allen Wood pp 33). Karl Marx was largely against this mode of thinking arguing that it was against his theory that human nature was different from that of animals and that free will was the main control when it came to the measurement of the moral merit of an action. If the unitarianism theory is placed in the present Guantanamo bay situation, the theory proposes that if the product of the use of torture on the detainees produces a good outcome that was beneficial to the American people then the actions are justified. Karl Marx was however against this theory and he argues that human nature is dynamic and he argues that the theory is just a measure for present situations. For example if torture is used effectively to the benefit of the United States government it does not mean that it is opposing human progress. His argument is that not all the merit of any action can be placed on the outcome since actions like torture, which may lead to a positive outcome, are not human and they go against the basic human nature (Smith, 4).
Saturday, January 18, 2020
International and Domestic Marketing Comparison Essay
In today’s world, business is commonly acknowledged as international and the general expectation is for this to continue into the foreseeable future. As the world continues to venture into global markets, not limiting business transactions to domestic markets, it is important to understand the similarities and differences of conducting business in those markets. The success of businesses in domestic and international markets is dependent on the accuracy and thoroughness of the marketing within the respective markets. With that in mind, this paper will compare and contrast international and domestic marketing with the use of selected international country, Germany, versus the United States. Domestic versus International Marketing Analyzing domestic and international businesses within the private and public sectors, the most common objective is successfully to function in order to continue operations. Although they share the same ultimate goals, international and domestic marketing are quite different. Generally, nation-states differ in the following areas:†¢Unique governing systems†¢Laws and regulations†¢Currencies†¢Taxes and duties†¢CultureBusinesses venturing into the international market must understand such differences along with recognizing similarities in buyer behaviors as they differ from country to country. Specific to Germany, a successful business venture must fully comprehend the foreign environment in order to effectively market a product or service. German vs. U.S. Culture One of the most important factors that have a major impact on marketing in Germany is culture. Germany’s culture includes a long history of musical talent and interest which has continued even in modern culture (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germany ranks as the 5th largest market globally in music record sales and is heavily influenced by television (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germany’s television market encompasses over 34 million households and is by far the largest market in Europe (ThinkQuest, 1999). Television viewers have options for cable or satellite and can choose from a variety of free-to-view public and commercial channels (ThinkQuest, 1999). Another major aspect of German culture is sports; two of the most popular being different types of motor racing and soccer (ThinkQuest, 1999). Practicality is a very common characteristic of most Germans that would lead marketers to focus on introducing products and services with a clear purpose and value (ThinkQuest, 1999). U.S. culture, on the other hand, is quite different from German culture. Inspired by a combination of European ideals combined with domestic originality, U.S. culture encompasses traditions, ideals, beliefs, customs, arts, and innovation (USA Study Guide, 2007). Much of U.S. culture was not uniquely derived, but imported through colonization and immigration (USA Study Guide, 2007). America has a strong focus centered on civil liberties, national holidays, U.S. sports, and innovation of arts and entertainment. National holidays such as Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are celebrated across the country and many different businesses take advantage of such times to offer sale prices on products and services enticing customer purchases. Some of the most favorite sports include American football, basketball, and baseball, and Americans are known to spend lost of money during these events. The U.S. is an enormous exporter of entertainment including news, movie, and music. Different types of entertainment are communicated through a variety of venues including television which ranks as on of the top mass media of the U.S. (USA Study Guide, 2007). Statistics show that 97% of Americans own at least 1 television and most have at least three in their household (USA Study Guide, 2007). Advertising in America is much different from Germany, rather than the focus being on practicality, successful marketing in the U.S. highlights the trendiest fashions and creates an image that one just has to have a certain product. U.S. culture is ever-changing; it is not static, as the country is known as the largest melting pot in the world, and as new cultures migrate into the U.S. accepted by the majority, the culture continues to evolve. German vs. U.S Laws and Regulations In order to tap into the German international market, it is essential for a business to have a clarified understanding of the laws and regulations that govern marketing and advertising. Marketing and advertising in Germany is governed by very strict laws. In Germany advertising is defined by different types including:†¢Product Placement†¢Permanent Advertising Programs†¢Teleshopping/Radio shopping(Zitierung, 1996)For example, in Germany, the most popular television stations are â€Å"Anstalten à ¶ffentlichen Rechts,†which means that they are not allowed to receive a profit (Zitierung, 1996). Such television stations are independent; therefore, government officials cannot directly influence their decisions (Zitierung, 1996). The top managers are appointed by councils who represent major groups within their society including popular political parties, churches, specific businesses, and unions (Zitierung, 1996). In this case, laws in place prescribe their purpose and internal structure (Zitierung, 1996). Operations are financed through monthly fees acquired from individuals who own either a radio or television (Zitierung, 1996). Financing through television or radio license fee is not permitted. Advertising is restricted to certain times of the day and never interrupts movies or news shows (Zitierung, 1996). Advertising on public television channels may not exceed 20 minutes during the workday, and on private channels may not exceed 20% of daily transmission time (Zitierung, 1996). Marketing and advertising in the U.S., although it is governed by laws and regulations, is much easier than advertising in Germany. Although much of the communication to Americans is monitored by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), laws and regulations are more specific to content of ads, antitrust laws, and intellectual property including copyrights and trademarks (, 2009). In comparison to governing laws in Germany, advertising on television, for example, is done more freely and frequently in the U.S. There are no strict guidelines that dedicate a small portion of time throughout the day for advertising, thus movies, news programs, and television shows are frequently interrupted for the sole purpose of advertising (, 2009). In fact, many advertising campaigns purchase prime time spots to run commercials for their product during the most popular television shows and sports games such as during NFL games and American Idol to name a few. German vs. U.S. Economy Germany’s economy is one that is heavily export-oriented, the country is the world’s leading exporter of merchandise, and thus this is a key element in German macroeconomic expansion (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germany’s currency is the Euro and its monetary policy is set by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt Germany (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germany’s financial system is not driven by the stock market; in fact, it is a financial system that is bank oriented. Employment is deregulated in Germany; the unemployment rate is a continuous problem, along with bureaucracy regulations that cause burdens on new and incumbent businesses (ThinkQuest, 1999). Agriculture is extremely productive in Germany; the country domestically produces over 90% of its needed nutrition and is known for its high level of industrialization (ThinkQuest, 1999). The U.S. economy differs greatly from the structure of the German economy. It is the largest national economy in the world maintaining a stable GDP growth rate and continued low unemployment rate (United States Department of Labor, 2009). The U.S. is one of the most significant nations in the world of international trade; the country leads the world in exports year over year while simultaneously remaining one of the top three exporters of goods (United States Department of Labor, 2009). U.S. currency is the American dollar and its banking system relies heavily on the stock market. The U.S. has major economic concerns as it related to external debt because as baby boomers are beginning to retire and collect Social Security, monies are running low (United States Department of Labor, 2009). ConclusionIn conclusion, Germany is quite different from the United States in terms of how the country operates including the government of marketing and advertising. An individual traveling from his home country to do business in a foreign country must conduct extensive market research prior to developing a marketing and advertising plan. It is essential to understand the different aspects of the country in order to effectively position and market a product or service. Doing business in a foreign country involves many different variables and more complexity than doing business at home. Success is dependent on the accuracy of market research and the company’s ability to manage from a local perspective with the absolute correct marketing mix. References (2009). Advertising, Marketing & Promotion Law – Guide to Advertising, Marketing & Promotion Law. Retrieved June 16, 2009 from ThinkQuest (1999). German Culture. Retrieved June 15, 2009, from United States Department of Labor (2009). Economy at a Glance. Retrieved June 16, 2009 from USA Study Guide (2007). The international student guide to education and study in the USA. Retrieved June 15, 2009 from, Autor (1996). German Broadcast Advertising Law. Online Journal Recht. Retrieved June 16, 2009, from
Friday, January 10, 2020
Implications of Space and Time for Distributed Work Essay
The study conducted by Suprateek Sarker and Sundeep Sahay aims to understand the effects of differences in terms of space and time based on observations done on an information systems development (ISD) project conducted by a virtual team. To accomplish the task, the researchers and coordinators observed several US-Norwegian systems development teams and gathered communication logs from the teams observed, from which they identified both the associated problems and strategies in terms of time and space related issues involved in the function of virtual teams (Sarker and Sahay 7). In terms of space, the problems identified were difficulties in communication, connection, trust, culture adaptation, and issues related to technology (Sarker and Sahay 8, 11, 13). Of course, there were also various methods identified which were utilized by the members of the virtual teams to compensate for such problems. For one, problems in terms of communication, connection, and trust were minimized through the proper use of a chat program as well as work documentation shown by members (Sarker and Sahay 11). In terms of cultural differences, the members were able to minimize the conflicts by being culturally sensitive and building rapport (Sarker and Sahay 12). Lastly, problems based on technology related aspects such as differences in skills, language, and infrastructure were dealt with through compromises, alternative methods of representation, and positively taking diversity into context (Sarker and Sahay 14). As mentioned, not only was space taken into consideration in the study but time as well. In this sense, two general problems associated with time were identified. The first one was that differences in time zones resulted in confusion as well as varying levels of activity and productivity due to the differences in the biological clock of the members; this was addressed through time conversion methods, deciding upon a more efficient time for work, and task allocation (Sarker and Sahay 16). The second obstacle associated with time was that there were conflicts in archiving message logs. In response to these conflicts, the members utilized a common method of messaging, and some teams even used a single terminal for communication purposes (Sarker and Sahay 17). In general, the study conducted was successful in identifying several challenges and solutions utilized by virtual teams. The researchers, however, have pointed out that the members of the virtual teams in the studies were mainly students. Hence, they may not be a good representation of virtual teams in a corporate sense (Sarker and Sahay 18). Even so, given the lack of information regarding such details about the functional processes of a virtual team even with a generally praised concept (Sarker and Sahay 3), the findings derived in the study are definitely of importance especially for the further understanding of virtual teams. Work Cited Sarker, Suprateek and Sundeep Sahay. â€Å"Implications of Space and Time for Distributed Work: an Interpretative Study of US-Norwegian Systems Development Teams. †European Journal of Information Systems 13 (2004): 3–20.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Children s Best Chance At Your Kids - 1375 Words
Vaccinate Your Kids Parents have responsibilities to protect their children from harm as much as they can and for as the parent is able to do so. They never stop worrying; when the child comes of age the parents take their child to the pediatric doctor to begin the vaccinations. When they get there, the receptionist hands the parent a form explaining all the side effects that may occur, which range from: fatigue, vomiting, and brain damage. The parents see the side effects and they turn tail and run out the door. They do a small bit of research and hear a fictitious article about concerned parents who say the vaccine gave their child autism. They claim outrageous statements that the AMA, (American Medical Association) is making under the†¦show more content†¦Vaccination campaigns helped eradicate smallpox. A good example is Haemophilus influenzae, a major cause of bacterial meningitis and other serious diseases in children, has decreased by over 99% in the US since the introduction of a vaccine in 1988 (Lee). Some opponents of vaccination argue that reductions in infectious disease are a result of improved sanitation and hygiene (rather than vaccination). These claims aren’t supported by scientific data; the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases tended to vary over time until the introduction of specific vaccines, at which point the incidence dropped to near zero. Full vaccination, from birth to adolescence, of all US children born in a given year, saves an estimated 33,000 lives and prevents an estimated 14 million infections (NOVA). A study of children in Colorado found that children who were not immunized were 6 times more likely to be infected with pertussis (whooping cough) and 22 times more likely to be infected with measles than their immunized peers (Immunize). Research on this topic has shown concrete proof what vaccination can to for the world. Studies have reported that immunizing kids is a responsible and healthy action that benefits the child, the parent, and the community. The opposition of vaccination claims it’s dangerous. They are not wrong but this life is not full of bright rainbows and butterflies. This world is harsh and I’ll bet that the 2014 West Africa Ebola outbreak patientsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Night By Landon s Story 1700 Words  | 7 Pages Curing Kids Landon’s Story Kids typically live a carefree life. When you are a kid you don’t have to worry about waking up tomorrow, about surgeries or treatments, fighting against a force more powerful and stubborn than them, but some kids aren’t as lucky when it comes to living the life of a child. Kids all around the world don’t have a chance to live as a child or even make it that far. 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